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Welcome into another video where I talk about stocks! Big shocker huh! Well I made a video before about Tattooed Chef (TTCF) and where I thought that stock was going to bottom at. You guys really enjoyed that video so today I am going to do the same but with a different stock. That stock is Corsair Gaming (CRSR) stock! I will tell you about where I think this stock is going to bottom out in and what are the probabilities that the stock goes even more down!
Hope you enjoy this video like you did the one I made about Tattooed Chef (TTCF). Smash the like button if you enjoyed this video as well and I can keep making these videos on different stocks in the stock market. Leave me a comment with your thoughts on Corsair Gaming (CRSR). Also let me know what stocks to buy now.
Financial Education
This is a Jeremy Lefebvre Production
Created by Jeremy Lefebvre
LMK if you know any stocks to buy now or stocks to watch! .
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crsr stock price will bottom @ this
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crsr stock price will bottom @ this
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