Mathews Company is pleased to introduce M-C Tech Chat, a revolutionary new way for us to provide technical support to our dealers.
Easily accessible from the Mathews Company Dealer Gateway, Tech Chat provides a quick and efficient way to seek technical support from our team of technicians. It doesn’t matter if you need assistance from your shop or at a customer’s site, you can access Tech Chat from a desktop computer or a smart phone, and instantly be connected to a technician to help you out.
You’ll have the ability to quickly take a photo and instantly send it to the technician that you are chatting with back at M-C. This allows the technician to quickly see what your problem is, and respond to you promptly with suggestions on how to resolve the issue. Rather than waiting for a call back, or trying to re-connect with the technician you were talking to earlier, the technician’s response will simply alert you on your phone and get you the answers you need fast!
Or perhaps the problem is more complex, and the technician needs to show you a specific diagram. One additional feature of Tech Chat is that it will allow us to easily send you attachments such as a marked-up schematic. That way you can see exactly what the technician is referring to so that you can receive the information you need to get your job done faster and more efficient.
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Introducing M-C Tech Chat
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